Welcome to my web site! I am an economist with research and teaching interests in the areas of behavioural economics, public economics, cyber-security and industrial economics.
I have a strong track record of publishing research in international journals, securing external funding and working with external partners to co-produce research and deliver economic and social impact. On the research page you can read more about my research interests and publications.
A particular passion of mine is cross-disciplinary work and I am actively collaborating with colleagues from computer-science, psychology, criminology and data science. On the research projects page you can read about my recent funded research projects.
I have extensive experience of teaching in economics at undergraduate and postgraduate level. I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE).
One theme in my teaching is the use of classroom experiments. I co-led two funded projects that developed resources for teaching. I also have experience in the effective design and use of research informed teaching. On the teaching page you can read more about my teaching expertise and recent projects.